(This post originally appeared on my other site, [robotSprocket].) A while back, Google introduced the .webp image format, which allows for superior image compression with less quality loss than the standard JPEG file. And while I’m in no rush to start using .webp on my photography site, 75CentralPhotography.com, I was...
General Interest
I know I vowed to start blogging more and I kind-of have done so, but to be honest, most of my good content goes over on [robotSprocket] rather than here. But maybe that will change in the new year. Maybe. As for 2022, it’s the end-of-the-road and as I look...
Fifteen years of Fine Daily Photos at 75CentralPhotography!
First off, apologies that a) I haven’t actuallly blogged here in over a year; and b), that this usual year-end retrospective is almost a month late. I suck. I know. 😛 As in years past, these are the 10 most-interesting photos I made and shared in 2021 as determined by...
As in years past, these are the 10 most-interesting photos I made and shared in 2020 as determined by Flickr’s obscure and mysterious “Interestingness” algorithm. 10. Twisted 9. The Lonesome Tree at Evening 8. Dam Danger 7. On the Forest Highway 6. Skybound 5. Pumping Petroleum 4. Early-Morning Solitude 3....
After an arduous 2016, full of misfortune both societal and personal, I’m gladly welcoming 2017. Over the weekend, I started thinking about how I can “up my photography game” during the coming 12 months. Here’s a short list I came up with.</p><p><strong>Shoot more</strong><br />This one seems obvious, but, at least...
I suddenly just realized that I hadn’t actually blogged about anything in a very, very long time. So, to celebrate my return, I’m announcing that I’ll be hosting the Tyler, Texas, walk during Scott Kelby’s annual World Wide Photowalk. We had a great time walking in Downtown Tyler last year...
Someone asked me the other day about how I got into photography. I thought about it for a moment and then gave them the TL;DR version, but I thought that the long version might be interesting to write down just for my own enjoyment and as a memory exercise. I...
A couple of days ago, my featured photo on 75Central.Com was an abstract detail of Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas‘ port-side balconies: In the description, I noted that this ship is the largest passenger vessel ever constructed (1,187 feet long and ~225,000 GT). After posting this, I started wondering...